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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today is Tuesday and it is an OK day. Today we had an English test, it was horrible. It's dark outside now and cold but it was nice in the day. Some of us feel sleepy, some of us feel tired and sad. Three people got penalty homework. Maybe we will play a game at the end of the lesson.   

PS. And we also watched a performance of Boys Don't Sing Choir on Utube
Click below to watch and listen again
Boys Don't Sing on stage


  1. Today it's not a OK day. Today it's bad and horrible day. Today we had a test. This test is stupid and horrible. I and my friends don't like tests, but this test is very, very stupid. This day is so bad.

    1. heh today it's OK day,
      but yesterday :( very stupid test, very silly day

  2. It's never as bad as you think it is. I am sure your test will be ok. Your Teacher

  3. Hello,

    Is my test OK?

    Good bye,
