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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 7- Blind date

#mova #summercamp #blinddate

Today we played six rounds of game called 'Blind Date'. There's one boy or girl who chooses from three candidates. He or she asks questions and then someone wins the date. It was fun - just look at faces of these boys.

Height or your appereance isn't important. The choosing person will select this person, who he or she is most interested in.

Agatka and Paul won the best of all prizes - romantic supper in the candle light with fake champagne and something elegant (probably a dessert).  They seem to be very happy - don't they?  #happyface

Look at these candidates - they're soooo stressed. Antosia won a date with Janek Skalski - walk hand in hand around the Orawcowa Hotel. Yay!

Before choosing the date, the couples get nervous. They scratch their skin and blush a lot. People on the photo over, won a kiss on a cheek. They have to do that before the end of the summer camp. We keep our fingers crossed for Gaba Wilk and Tommy Mielecki.

Lena and Bartek have to swim with each other in a swimming pool. We're afraid that the water is too cool. But it doesn't matter - they'll be happy together anyway.

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